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This is Cletus. He is a friendly farmer. He has yellow dots on his body to help reflect the sun away so he can stay cool when he is working in the hot sun. He is wearing his favorite pair of blue overalls. His one eye gives him perfect eye sight. It helps him see the ground when he is planting his crops. His 6 tentacles help him plant more than one thing at once. They allow him to do multiple things at once.

Cletus is a wonderful creation. You too can own your own Cletus to build and play with. Click here to download and print your very own Cletus. Once you print Cletus out, you are going to want to follow the directions and cut him out. First you are going to cut all around the outside of Cletus. Once you do that you will cut along all of the solid red lines. After you cut along the lines, you will fold along all of the green dotted lines. After you have folded you will glue all of the tabs together, assembling Cletus. Finally, just glue the 2 arms flaps together. Follow these steps and you will have created your own Cletus!

Cletus the Countryman

3D Paper Monster

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