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Kids Book Written and Illustrated by Noah T.

2)One bright and sunny day, Thomas wanted to go outside and fly kites with his friends.

3)He ran to his room to grab his kite from his closet. When he took the kite out of the closet he was sad to see that there was a big tear in the kite.

4)He brought the kite outside to show his friends the tear and to tell them the bad news. He showed his friends and they said he should try and tape it.

5)Thomas went inside and grabbed the tape. He tried to tape the tear, but the tape wasn't strong enough to hold it together

6)Thomas slowly walked outside, crying because he couldn't fly his kite.

7)Thomas sat on his porch crying because all his friends were out flying their kites, and he couldn't fly his kite.

8)Suddenly, one of Thomas’s friends walked over with her hands behind her back.

9)Thomas looked up at her, and before he could speak, she handed him a kite. Thomas’s friends saw that his kite was torn, so together they built him a kite.

10)Once they built the kite, they tested the kite out! The kite flew perfectly!

11)Now Thomas had the coolest kite on the block! They flew kites all day long!

Please enjoy reading the kids book A Day of Play. This is a lovely story that kids of all ages will enjoy.

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